Wednesday, 26 March 2014

High society

Well, we've been busy. Recent changes to Etsy have meant we are now able to use print on demand services to create all kinds of fun things using our artwork and photographs.

We joined Society6 and now have our own shop over there which is serving as a gallery shop featuring all our works under one roof ! It has other benefits too - we're in the UK but most of our work goes to customers in the USA. Fine for originals which are worth the shipping costs but not so handy when someone is looking for a birthday card or a small print to fill a space in their wall. 

It has been so easy to use and frankly a lot of fun watching our designs turn into everything from cushions to mugs, it's got my partner Rich drawing again - in fact our first sale over there has been a t-shirt featuring his giant horde print on the clock above :)

Remember our puppets ? Well, funny bunnies are taking over as well, we're hoping to get some more photos done this week. They are so expressive and a joy to photograph so we had to include them too !

It's also meant that artwork which has been sold is now available as prints too which is very satisfying :)

Monday, 17 March 2014


 This weeks post is another from the series of small spice drawings I've done for my Etsy shop.

 This drawing was done in charcoal pencil on Fabriano Artistico watercolour paper. I love its smooth, bright surface- perfect for such detailed work.

 Rich very kindly polished up a nutmeg for me to bring out the grain and took some photos for me to work from. This was an interesting object to draw- such strong lines yet the rounded shape required subtle blending too.

 I'm actually very happy with the final piece and looking forward to the next one- a cut dried lime :)

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Scarecrow puppet

We'd like you to meet a friend of ours :) 

As most of you probably know by now I work with my partner Rich on all sorts of nonsense projects but this time I think we've rather outdone ourselves with our first scarecrow puppet.

Hand made with a wooden frame powered by a simple pull cord, he's made from carefully chosen scraps of fabric and felt all delicately hand stitched together.  We are only making these little guys to order so if you'd like one too, head over to our puppet shop

Though he stands just 16 inches high, we managed to pack in lots of amusing details, from his fingerless gloves to patches in his coat and a pocket full of hay...

We also made a short video of him in action :)